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Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Netflix's "Jewish Matchmaking" to the Rescue
The new Netflix series "Jewish Matchmaking" deserves my appreciation, but probably not for the reasons you think. I already knew a great...
Ruth Schapira
2 min read
What’s Your Reality?
We live in a tangible and physical world, and it is the very nature of our surroundings that creates automatic obstacles in connecting...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Can we be commanded to love?
Ahavah ~ Love From a young age, we are taught to recite the Shema, saying "And you shall love God, your God..." But can we be commanded...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Judaism's Hack for Your Truest Nature
Our sages were always trying to find the shortest ways to describe complicated concepts. While there are 48 Ways to Wisdom (elucidated in...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Passover: The Inner Message of Freedom
Hebrew is full of secrets, embedded with layers and layers of meaning, woven from the thread of reality as Judaism sees it. I happened on...
Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Shabbat is an Island Escape
Every week, I get to imagine the world as it should be. As Friday night approaches, I look forward to the total disconnect I will have...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
You can listen by writing
Journaling is an incredible tool that I don't use often enough. I'm not sure why we resist the practice of journaling so much. For me, it...
Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Your soul is speaking, are you listening?
Aren't I the only one here? What's this business about me, a soul and all this spirituality stuff? There's a lot of talk about soul (not...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
I wonder who atheists thank?
The saying “there are no atheists in foxholes” presumes that once under the threat of death, the most avowed atheist will plead to God...
Ruth Schapira
4 min read
spirited prayer from an unlikely source
Several years ago, on a lazy Sunday morning toward the end of a weekend getaway, my husband and I were strolling down the main street in...
Ruth Schapira
2 min read
What Exactly is Jewish Identity?
For years, I’ve used the term “Jewish identity”, and never gave it too much thought. As a Jewish educator, the talk among my colleagues...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Blessings and the small "i" in Gratitude
Gratitude is being present in order to experience awe When we are truly present we experience something riveting. The timeless nature of...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Questioning the boon of Zoom Judaism
In my memory, there has never been so much Jewish content available online, for free. Podcasts, interviews, seminars, webinars, zoom...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Jewish Organizations: The Importance of Acting Ethically
Remaining in Focus What many of us strive for in life is achieving personal integrity, a state of being when our ‘inside’ motivation...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Questioning God
“It is because I believed in God that I was angry at God, and still am. But my faith is tested, wounded, but it’s here. So whatever I...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Being in the Wilderness: A Shavuot Experience
The quiet allows the voice of our soul to emerge On the week before Shavuot, we begin the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible, known in...
Ruth Schapira
2 min read
If Covid-19 is a test, are we passing?
What if God is waiting for us to cry out? What if all we need to do is to cry out in despair, as Abraham did thousands of years ago?...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
The Old Testament is not my Bible
Torah is a living entity in my life and is an endless and forever Giving-Tree. It is this imagery that captures me when we lift the Torah...
Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Do we own our Jewish history?
I read something from an unlikely source that struck my deepest core as a Jew, and came to a full stop at a passage from the first...
Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Shema: Searching for the “One”
The Experience of the Holy This post is not about matchmaking, or even the journey to find your ‘soul mate’. Here, searching for the...
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