Lack of Parental Controls on FB? Implications for Teens?
For parents, it’s becoming harder and harder to create boundaries of safety for teens, particularly if those parameters were not in place when they had their first forays in the internet world.
Imagine the challenge for those parents who have trouble with knowing what those boundaries should be.
Recent studies have shown that Facebook is filled with ‘friends’ younger than the minimum age of 13. Thirteen.
Unbelievably, many of these young teens join with the help of their parents, and yes, even encouragement to do so.
Noted in the New York Times, there is now software to help parents monitor their children on-line, but the question is, if some parents are not choosing to monitor their children’s activities without the software application, how will installing a new program stem the tide of children’s premature internet involvement?
Why is this an issue? Well, as noted in the article: “the average American family uses five Internet-enabled devices at home…..yet barely one in five parents uses parental controls on those devices.”
So, those of us in schools need to take note of the environment our students are in at home, and even recognize that the boundaries we provide for our students when using internet media may be more important than we think.
Are you concerned about boundaries on social media?