You can bring programs like this to your community! Experiences are spiritually uplifting and educational.
Prayer & Torah Discussion Leader Shir Ami, Chevrat Torah
Divrei Torah Beth El Synagogue, Young Israel of White Plains
Meditation: A Spiritual Practice Community Day of Wellness, Bucks County Kehillah
Mystical Hebrew Alphabet Limmud of North America
Introduction to Jewish Spirituality Beth El Synagogue
Shavuot Learning Bucks County Kehillah
Engagement Strategies Philadelphia Hadassah
Inner Torah - weekly Online, open to all
Tools of Prayer Online, open to all
Jewish Meditative Doodling Newtown Hadassah
Judaism & Christianity: the afterlife Bucks County Kallah
Ancient Roots of Social Justice Golden Gems, Main Line
Meditative Doodling Hosted via My Jewish Learning
Thanks for a wonderful class this morning. I love learning from you. You shine so much light that I find I can see things that I'd never seen before. H.G.
I really enjoyed the session and found it to be an informative, peaceful exercise that I will employ in my meditation and preparation for prayer. Thank you for a beautiful lesson and I plan on joining one of your classes again. L.F.
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Thank you so much for a thoroughly enjoyable, mind provoking mindfulness experience today, Ruth.
Yasher kochacha!
I very much appreciate the opportunity to learn with you. J.N.
I really feel immense gratitude and enrichment from your workshops on building a relationship with G-d and prayer. Thank you so much for all of your planning, wisdom and efforts. M.E.